We provide DCS and ESD systems for all industries and provide solutions in many areas for your environment so you can ensure that everything runs smoothly and work with the highest possible level of efficiency.
Farzan is working closely with industries leading names to ensure quality of product and services provided in this field, our highly trained and experienced engineers will work with you to tailor a solution that fits all of your needs, you can see a description of the systems provided below and if you still don’t know what fits your environment best, then contact us so we can guide you through this process.



ESD system ensures priority control of process equipment which is required for switching the process in safe mode. The system performs the following functions:
1. Collection and processing of ESD-connected information about process parameters and equipment state
2. Detection and alarm of emergencies and process deviations from preset limits
3. Automatic shutdown of production facilities (or separate piece of equipment) in case of parameters deviation from preset limits or manual shutdown by operator
4. Alarms and notifications management
5. Prevention of repeated start of production facilities (or separate piece of equipment) until the cause of shutdown is eliminated or forced unlocking is performed
ESD system can be developed both as a technically separate system which is integrated into DCS at the middle level of control and as a system functionally integrated into DCS at the lower control level.

DCN (1)


DCS is the core of an automated process control system. Other subsystems are integrated into DCS at various levels. DCS ensures fulfillment of all main functions of control, visualization, registration and reporting of process including:
1. Automatic regulation
2. Program (logic) control
3. Remote control (start, shutdown, change of set points)
4. Alarms and notifications management
5. Collection and processing of process and equipment data
6. Graphic presentation of process and equipment condition data
7.Detection and alarm of emergencies and deviations of process from
8. preset limits
9. Keeping of event log
10.Registration and archiving of process parameters
11.Report generation
12.Data exchange with external systems

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